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Requests, complaints, claims, suggestions and reports online.

In the Curaduría Urbana N ° 2 of Piedecuesta we have made the system of petitions, complaints, claims, suggestions and complaints available to the general public.

Curaduría 2 de Piedecuesta is an office open to people who work for municipal development.In the Curaduría we have endeavored to facilitate contact with our office in compliance with the Transparency and Access to Information Law (1712 of 2014), of the Anti-Corruption Statute (Law 1474 of 2011) and of the Online Government Strategy (Decree 2693 of 2012).

Now, you can share your requests, complaints, claims, suggestions and reports online in front of our office.

Here is a short glossary of terms.

Petition: It is the right that every person has to request or complain to the competent authorities for reasons of general interest or particular interest to raise respectful requests for information and / or consultation and to obtain prompt resolution thereof.

Complaint: Any verbal, written or electronic expression of dissatisfaction with the conduct or action of public servants or individuals who carry out a state function and that requires a response.

Claim: Any verbal, written or electronic expression of dissatisfaction referred to the provision of a service or the deficient attention of a public authority, that is, it is a formal declaration for the breach of a right that has been harmed or threatened, caused by poor provision or unjustified suspension of the service.

Suggestion: Any verbal, written or electronic expression of recommendation given by the citizen, which aims to improve the service provided in each of the departments of the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications, rationalize the use of the resources or make public management more participatory.

Complaint: It is a mechanism through which citizens can make known the occurrence of an irregularity or a fault committed by any of the Entity's employees.




Peticiones en interés general y particular

Dentro de los quince (15) días siguientes a su recepción

Peticiones de documentos e información

Dentro de los diez (10) días siguientes a su recepción

Peticiones de consulta

Dentro de los treinta (30) días siguientes a su recepción

Peticiones entre autoridades

Dentro de los diez (10) días siguientes a su recepción

Radicación de PQRSD
Tipo de Solicitud
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¡Gracias por tu mensaje!

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